Spruce Lakes Rec District
Glenboro Minor Ball Registration 2025 season
Please remember to register in your own home town!
Early Registration closes March 16th, 2025. (Receive $20 off each registration!!)
Softball MB and Baseball MB are both use the same online registration program, RAMP Interactive.
There will be two separate web pages, one for baseball players and one for softball players.
Softball MB and Baseball MB are both use the same online registration program, RAMP Interactive.
There will be two separate web pages, one for baseball players and one for softball players.
Register by clicking here
(Girls in kindergarten register under the Baseball Registration Link under Rally Cap)
Baseball Registration Link: – http://Glenboroball.rampregistrations.com
Softball Registration Link: – http://GlenboroSoftball.rampregistrations.com
You will be able to login into either account using the same login and password as you did last year.
If you are a new user this year you will have to create a new account.
Your child must be currently attending Kindergarten or Grade 1 in order to register for the Rally Caps program
Boys and girls age 5-7 register under Glenboro Baseball – Rally Cap.
The following payment options will be available.
E-Transfer: Preferred method of Payment
Email: Glenborominorbaseball@gmail.com
Security Answer: red (all lower case)
Please make cheques payable to Glenboro Minor Ball.
Cheques can be mailed to Glenboro Minor Ball, Box 263, Glenboro Mb., R0K 0X0
All payments need to be made in full.
If you have any questions, please email naominelson1981@gmail.com
If your RAMP registration shows you have an outstanding balance from last year, kindly disregard that.
The U9 softball program is no longer called Timbits. It is now called “Learn to Play”. Glenboro Minor Ball will be using the Learn to Play level 3 program in the Ramp registrations.
Glenboro Minor Hockey Registration 2023/2024 season
*Please note that due to scheduling and making teams, it is imperative that your child is registered within the dates above. Registration made after September 10th will result in a $50/child late penalty.
Payment required by etransfer to “glenbororink2023@gmail.com” between September 15 – September 30. Security question is your child’s full name. For example “Emery Funk” is the question. Password should be “Panthers”.
U18 (born in 2006, 2007 & 2008) $535
Glenboro Curling Club Registration 2023/2024 season (not updated at this time – registration link)
Registration & waivers for the 2023/2024 Curling season.
The Spruce Lake Recreation District office is located at 237 Broadway Street, Glenboro, Manitoba.
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Spruce Lakes Recreation District
PO Box 207
Glenboro, Manitoba
R0K 0X0
Phone: 204-827-2575