P.O. Box 219     618 Railway Avenue
Phone (204) 827-2252   GLENBORO, MANITOBA   ROK OXO   Fax (204) 827-2123

May 31, 2024

Dear Municipal Resident

Our community has seen some impacts due to the May 24-25 extreme weather event.  If you have been impacted by this event, we encourage you to contact our office to report your damages.

Furthermore, you should also submit an online Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) application to the Manitoba Emergency Management Organization (EMO) in order for Manitoba to assess the scale and scope of the damages to our community in order to determine if a DFA program may be established. Please note, currently there is no DFA program for this event as EMO is still assessing the impacts of the event.

If you have questions regarding the Manitoba EMO DFA program, please contact Manitoba EMO directly at 204-945-3050 or go to their website at https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/index.html for more information.

Thank you

Municipality of Glenboro South Cypress